Apply for a premises licence

A premises licence allows activities such as the supply of alcohol, entertainment and/or provision of late night refreshment to take place at a given site. The application can be made by an individual, several individuals, a company or organisation. The licence is valid for the life of the business.

Anyone who wants to carry on a business involving licensable activities on the premises. This covers any individual (aged at least 18) or business. Applicants must be over 18 and, if they are living in the UK, they must be entitled to be in the UK and to work in a licensable activity.

You need to:

  • Complete your application form
  • Include plan of the premises
  • Include Consent Form completed by the proposed premises supervisor who must hold a Personal Licence.
  • Advertise your application
  • Include evidence of entitlement to work in the UK

 If you do not comply with the above requirements your application will be rejected.


The responsible authorities and any other persons can object to the grant of the application any time during a period of 28 consecutive days after the application was submitted to the licensing team. They may only object on grounds relating to the promotion of the four licensing objectives.

  1. Promotion of public safety
  2. Prevention of crime and disorder
  3. Protection of children from harm
  4. Prevention of public nuisance