Report a change of circumstances
If you are registered for NBBC Portal, you can use the online form to tell us of a change to your circumstances that effects:
- Council Tax Support
- Housing Benefit
- Second Adult Rebate (alternative help with Council Tax, available to people who have reached state pension age only)
Report a change in your circumstances
Once you have registered you will be able to:
- View your existing Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support claim
- View your award details
- Report a change in your circumstances
- Check your next payment
- Sign up for notifications
You must tell us about all changes as they happen. If you don't tell us about a change, and:
- We pay you too much benefit, you may have to pay it back
- Your benefit goes up, you will lose money if you do not tell us within four weeks
If you do not wish to sign up for NBBC Portal you can report a change in your circumstances here.
You must advise us if any of your circumstances change:
- You have had a change in your income/benefits
- Had another child
- Someone has moved into or out of your home - include lodgers and sub-tenants
- Income of anyone living with you has changed
- Savings or investments have changed
- You, or anyone living with you, have become a student, started a youth training scheme, gone into hospital or a nursing home, gone into or come out of prison, or have secured, changed or left a job
- Stopped caring for someone and stopped getting Carer's Allowance
- Someone you look after has stopped getting Attendance Allowance
- Rent has changed
- Moved home
- You or your partner are going to be away from home for more than a month
- You or anyone living with you has started work
- You have received any decision from the Home Office
This is not a full list, if you are unsure or need any assistance contact the benefits team.