Submission of the Borough Plan Review (2021-2039)

The Borough Plan Review sets out where new homes, workplaces and other developments should be built to meet the needs of the Borough, while conserving the area's most valuable environmental assets for the plan period 2021-2039. The Borough Plan Review provides policies and guidance on how planning applications are determined.

Examination stage

The Borough Plan Review is now subject to an independent examination to be conducted by the Planning Inspectorate following its submission to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on 12th February 2024, alongside the supporting evidence base, in accordance with Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. The Planning Inspectorate have published guidance about the examination process, which may be of interest, alongside a Procedure Guide for Local Plan Examinations.

For further information and documents relating to the examination stage of the Borough Plan Review, including the Examination Documents list, please visit the Programme Officer's website.

Below presents a timeline outlining the development and progression of the Borough Plan Review:

  1. June to August 2021 - Issues and Options consultation.
  2. June to July 2022 - Preferred Options consultation.
  3. September to October 2023 - Publication (Regulation 19) consultation.
  4. 12th February 2024 - Submission of the Borough Plan Review to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (Regulation 22 stage).
  5. July to October 2024 - Examination in Public hearing sessions (these sessions have now closed).
  6. The Examination of the Borough Plan Review is expected to continue until February 2025 (in line with the Local Development Scheme) depending on the Planning Inspectors workload and the consultation on the Main Modifications proposed to the Plan.
  7. The Council hopes to receive the Inspector’s Report in March 2025 (dependent on the Planning Inspectors workload).
  8. Predicted adoption in April - June 2025.

Submission documents

  • The Core Documents list, with electronic links to the documents, is available to view on the Programme Officer's website.
  • The Evidence Base list, with electronic links to the documents, is available to view on the Programme Officer's website.

Documents relating to the development of the Borough Plan Review are also available to view below:

Furthermore, the documents can be viewed at Nuneaton Town Hall by appointment only (Monday to Friday between 10am to 2pm). Please call 024 7637 6376 to book an appointment.

Regulation 19 stage

Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council consulted on the Borough Plan Review Publication draft document, under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, alongside other accompanying documents between 4 September and 16 October 2023. The Council has considered the representations received, as part of this consultation. These will also be considered by the Planning Inspector, in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (PCPA), when examining the Borough Plan Review.