Simplification Pathfinder Board

Nuneaton is one of a small group of local authorities invited by the Department of Levelling up Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to pilot a simplified approach to funding delivery, which includes funding from Future High Streets Fund, Towns Deal and Levelling up (round one only).  Each of the local authorities involved in the simplification pathfinder pilot each received funding from all three funding streams.  It was agreed at Full Council that Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council will join DLUHCs Simplification Pathfinder Pilot at its meeting held on 6 September 2023, minute number CB39.

The objective of the Fund(s) is to drive the economic regeneration of towns to deliver long term economic and productivity growth through:

  • Urban regeneration, planning and land use: ensuring towns are thriving places for people to live and work, including by increasing density in town centres; strengthening local economic assets including local cultural assets; site acquisition, remediation, preparation, regeneration; and making full use of planning tools to bring strategic direction and change.
  • Skills and enterprise infrastructure: driving private sector investment and ensuring towns have the space to support skills and small business development.
  • Connectivity: developing local transport schemes that complement regional and national networks, as well as supporting the delivery of improved digital connectivity

View the Simplification Pathfinder Board agendas, report and minutes

Members of the Simplification Pathfinder Board:

  • Alison Thompson - North Area Manager (North Warwickshire and Nuneaton & Bedworth), Warwickshire Commmunity and Voluntary Action
  • Amanda Bourne - Alsters Kelly Solicitors
  • Craig Tracey - Member of Parliament for North Warwickshire
  • Jenni Northcote - Chief Strategy, Service Improvement and Partnerships Officer, NHS
  • Jet Jones - Diocese of Coventry, Together for Change
  • Les Ratcliffe - Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership
  • Lindsey Randle - MTP Stakeholder Relationship Coordinator, MIRA
  • Marcus Jones - Member of Parliament for Nuneaton
  • Marion Plant - Principal and Chief Executive Officer, North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College 
  • Councillor Nicola King - Nuneaton
  • Sean Farnell (chair of the Board) - Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership
  • Councillor Steve Hey - Nuneaton
  • Stuart Noss - Princiapl - King Edward VI College, Nuneaton 
  • Leo Pollak - West Midlands Combined Authority
  • Warwickshire County Councillor - TBC