Listed building consent
A listed building is a building or structure which is considered to be of special architectural or historic interest.
If you want to alter or extend a listed building in a way that affects its character or appearance as a building of special architectural or historic interest, or even demolish it, you must first apply for Listed Building Consent
Who is responsible for listed building consent
English Heritage is responsible for listing buildings, although anyone can nominate a building.
- View information on how to propose a building for listing status
You will need to obtain Listed Building consent if you wish to demolish a listed building or alter it in any way which will affect its historic fabric or character.
The object of this tight control is to ensure that the character of the historic building is not damaged, however, it is not intended to prevent reasonable alterations provided these are in keeping with the building.
Undertaking works which require consent without it is a criminal offence.
If you wish to make changes to any Listed Building you should check first what restrictions may be in place, therefore, it is a good idea to discuss your intentions with an officer at an early stage.