Find out about media, press, and branding, including our logo guidance

Our aim is to openly and honestly provide the media, our partners and the public with news and information about the council, its members, services and achievements. We can also provide our corporate design and branding guidelines for use in external communications.

Media enquiries

The Communications team is the first port of call for all media enquiries. We will either respond to your enquiry direct, or arrange interviews with councillors for you.

All media enquiries from journalists (press, radio and television) should be directed to our Communications team at

The Communications team is contactable between usual business hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. The Council does not have an out-of-hours press office.

Latest news

All press releases issued by Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council can be found in the Newsroom.


If you would like to film in either Nuneaton or Bedworth town centres or at our market sites, please email detailing your request.

Media and publicity protocol

We obey the national code of recommended practice on local authority publicity. We do not use our resources to promote a particular political view, or to influence the public on policy.

Corporate branding guidelines

If you need to use any of our logos or branding in any documentation or online, please contact

Social media

Details of official Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council's official social media accounts can be found on our dedicated social media page, including our guidelines.