Apply for council housing

All available properties will be advertised on NBBC Homes, and the adverts contain information about the landlord, the property location, rent, size, special features and any eligibility requirements. 

Due to the unprecedented number of homeless households occupying temporary accommodation at the present time, NBBC will be temporarily suspending allocations of void council properties for a period of up to, and no longer than 3 months, with effect from Wednesday 19 June 2024. Only properties that cannot be directly matched to a homeless household occupying temporary accommodation will continue to be placed on advert, along with any available Housing Association properties which will remain available to waiting list applicants. We know this will cause an inconvenience to some of our residents and we apologise for this however normal service will be resumed as soon as possible, or by the 20 September 2024 at the latest.

Apply for a council house 

What is NBBC Homes

  • NBBC Homes is how we allocate Council and partner Housing Association properties for rent and shared ownership. Properties that are available for rent will be advertised daily for seven days
  • For you to create an account you must have your National Insurance number to hand, and you must also complete the Housing Options wizard before your account can go live
  • We aim to give you more choice in deciding where you want to live by advising you of the housing options that are available to you

Who will get priority

  • The banding system is based on housing need and enables us to target those with the greatest housing need, while still allowing people to apply for re-housing
  • The answers given on the application form will enable us to see which band you fall into and how many bedrooms you need
  • Typically, a property would be offered to the person in the highest band who had been waiting for the longest time

Housing allocations policy

The NBBC housing allocations policy

Housing allocations policy

NBBC Homes booklet

Advice and guidance on NBBC Homes

NBBC Homes booklet