Economic development strategy

The Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan (EDS) was adopted by the council in June 2016.

The plan was established by the Economic Development Strategy Project Group and in consultation with our partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

The document provides a framework for the delivery of the council's economic development priorities.

This Strategy is underpinned by the following nine strategic objectives to:

  • support investment in the Borough and wider sub region by working with the landowners and agents that have employment land allocations in the Borough Plan to make sure the sites come forward
  • support existing employers within the Borough by recognising that the needs of medium and large businesses differ from those of small and micro sized enterprises
  • positively support the diversification of the local economy to assist with broadening the employment opportunities available to residents along with the employment structure of them
  • have a joined up corporate approach towards Economic Development where the needs of the business are prioritised
  • become more commercially aware and aid businesses through a more streamlined, multi-faceted approach to doing business, including enhanced marketing and networking
  • identify opportunities for growth or productivity improvements, and ensure suitable funding is sought when this becomes available
  • work effectively with partner organisations, taking a pragmatic approach to engagement, and adding value to initiatives that partners are leading
  • continue to review and understand the local economy and its relationship with the wider functional economic area and the national and wider than national economy
  • expand the visitor economy, taking advantage of the existing opportunities that exist in the area, and linking in with the wider sub-region