Eligibility criteria for our housing solutions support scheme
We have identified the main eligibility and refusal criteria for our schemes. This list is for guidance only and is not an exhaustive list. Our Housing Solutions and Homelessness Prevention Officers will assess each applicant against our criteria before deciding if you are eligible for assistance.
Local connection
To qualify for the Housing Solutions Support Scheme, applicants must meet at least one or more of the following criteria. Applicants must:
- Have lived within the Borough for at least 6 out of the last 12 months, or 3 out of the last 5 years
- Have immediate family in the Borough with the family members concerned currently living in the Borough and have done for at least five years or more. This would normally be parents, adult children, brothers, or sisters provided there are sufficiently close links in the form of frequent contact, commitment or dependence. Other family associations such as grandparents and adoptive parents would also be considered if sufficiently close links are evidenced
- Work permanently in the borough
- Give to, or receive support from, a close family member who is resident in the Borough. Applicants will need to supply supporting evidence from a medical professional or social worker together with full details of the support that is being given/received
To be able to qualify for the scheme applicants must:
- Client must be in Housing need as defined by the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 (threatened with homelessness in 56-day period), or the intervention of the funding will prevent eviction leading to homelessness
- Local connection - six out of the past 12 months or three out of the past five years residency in the borough (see above local connection criteria)
- Property to rent/or to give assistance with must be in the Nuneaton and Bedworth borough
- The Housing Solutions / Homelessness Prevention Officer must establish the applicant is capable of maintaining an independent tenancy, if necessary, with support. This will be determined by investigating previous housing history
- Where support needs are identified by the Housing Solutions/Homelessness Prevention Officer, referrals will be made to the relevant agencies and will form part of the clients ‘Personal Housing Plan’
- Rent/mortgage arrears will need to be considered by the Housing Solutions / Homelessness Prevention Officer and may disqualify an applicant. If the arrears are the fault of an applicant, this will be disclosed to any potential landlord
- Applicants currently occupying specialised supported accommodation in the Borough ready for moving on
- Applicant must be able to afford the property considering their income and expenditure
- Proof of identity via passport, bank details, utility, or council tax bills
- Where an applicant does not meet the criteria outlined, they will not be considered for the Housing Solutions Support Scheme. In certain circumstances the Housing Solutions Manager reserves the right to modify the criteria at their discretion particularly where enforcing the criteria would result in unfairness to the particular applicant or other applicants generally
Refusal grounds
When deciding whether or not an applicant is eligible for housing, the behaviour of not only the applicant but also that of the other members of their household will be considered. It may be decided that an applicant should be refused for the Housing Solutions Support Scheme on grounds of their behaviour.
Behaviour that may be regarded by NBBC as unacceptable includes:
- Physical assaults (such as domestic and racial violence), perpetrators of domestic violence causing damage or threats to kill, and anyone who has been violent to or threatened staff from NBBC
- Owing a housing related debt to a Council, Housing Association or private landlord
- Current or former tenants who are, or have been, in serious breach of their tenancy conditions due to anti-social behaviour or are subject to a court order
- Anyone with a history of serious anti-social behaviour and/or criminal behaviour such as; intimidation, drug dealing or discrimination/harassment (due to any of the protected characteristics in the equality section). Where an applicant has a history of anti-social behaviour or has breached their tenancy conditions or has a housing related debt, all relevant facts will be considered before a decision is made
- Anyone who has caused damage to a Council/Housing Association or private rented property. This includes the tenant, a member of tenant’s household or visitors to the property
- Applicants who deliberately worsen their housing circumstances in order to improve their housing priority
- Their behaviour will be such that it either reflects the applicant's unsuitability to become a tenant or that a current tenancy is not being conducted in a satisfactory manner. The behaviour may include a breach of tenancy obligations and noise nuisance continuing for long periods of time
- In some circumstances applicants who have relevant unspent convictions for serious criminal offences which caused issues with their previous accommodation and neighbourhood, may be ineligible following thorough investigation
- Home owners will not be eligible unless they have exceptional circumstances. This could be because of significant financial hardship or serious medical circumstances
- Applicant is deemed to be adequately housed
- Applicant is able to afford Bond/and or Rent in Advance themselves
- Insufficient proof of identity