Apply for a Taxi and Private Hire Driver Licence
A licence is required before any person can drive a hackney carriage (taxi) or private hire vehicle. Licences are issued subject to proof of eligibility (age, driving licence, criminal records check, medical assessment, road knowledge, Right to work in the UK, Safe Guarding training, English and numeracy test).
We issue:
- A dual licence to drive both taxis and private hire vehicles
- A private hire only licence (only private hire vehicles can be driven)
How to apply
Application packs for driver licences can be obtained from the Licensing team:
- Send an email to
- Include your name and address
An application form will be sent to you in the post. Applicants wishing to submit completed applications should email the Licensing Section to arrange an appointment to come in.
Application process
- The licence is usually valid for three years (although in certain circumstances a shorter period may be granted)
- An new driver application form and original,supporting documents must be submitted in person at the Town Hall with the fee (see below) at an agreed appointment
- You will be subject to a check with the Disclosure and Barring Service for a disclosure report of convictions and you will need to sign up to the DBS update service
- You will be required to undergo a medical examination with a doctor of your choice
- New applicants must undertake a mandatory road knowledge test and English and Numeracy tests along with the Safeguarding Course
- Confirmation of your Right to work in the UK will be required
- Applicants for renewal should ensure that their application is lodged with the Council at least three months prior to the expiry of the existing licence and a renewal pack will be posted to you at this time. All documents apart from The Pink DBS form need to be submitted by email
Current fees and charges
Total fee for a new for a dual hackney carriage and private hire driver licence application is £521. The total fee for a renewal application is £371.
- Application for new driver's licence (three years) - £358
- Initial knowledge test - £64
- Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check plus Admin Fee - £54
- Safeguarding Training - £30
- English and Numeracy Tests - £15
The following additional fees may apply:
- Re-take of knowledge test - £64
- Knowledge test cancelled on the day - £15
- English and Numeracy test (retest) - £15
- Replacement licence or badge - £25
The total fee for a private hire only licence is: £457
- Application for new driver's licence (three years) - £358
- Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check plus Admin Fee - £54
- Safeguarding Training - £30
- English and Numeracy Tests - £15
Applications are only accepted to be processed if the application form is completed in full and the correct fee and original documents have been submitted at the same time.
In order to process your application, we need a number of documents as supporting evidence of your identity, as follows:
- Completed application form
- Your current full driving licence which must have been held for at least 12 months
- One passport sized photographs
- Your passport or birth certificate or proof of residency/entitlement to work in the UK
- One other form of ID which must show your current residential address (for example, utility bill or bank statement dated within the last three months). Mobile phone bills cannot be accepted
- Completed Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) application form and on-line DBS Up-Date-Service - full details of acceptable identification documents are available on the Disclosure and Barring Service website
- Completed DBS Update ID form
- Completed DBS Policy form
- DVLA share code to give us authority to check your DVLA licence
- HMRC share code - Tax check (renewal only)