The hard work and dedication of Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour team has been recognised with an entry on a national website.
One of the team’s case studies is showcased on the national ASB Help site, showing that the Council is committed to putting our residents first and keeping our communities safe while working with partnership agencies.
It came about after ASB Help requested real-life case studies of where housing providers had used legal powers under the ASB Crime and Policing Act 2014 to ensure best practice.
One of the authority’s officers submitted some evidence and a case study for them to review, a closure order awarded to the Council last year.
ASB Help provides:
- Information and advice to members of the public involved with and suffering anti-social behaviour.
- They act as a national collective voice for victims of ASB
- Support practitioners in preventing escalation and responding to ASB
- Develop national good practice
- Consult on behalf of the Government and more
Cllr Chris Watkins, Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Housing, said:
“Having a case study showcased on the ASB Help site is evidence that NBBC is committed to putting our residents first and keeping our communities safe while working with partnership agencies.
“I would like to commend our team for all of the hard work they do and would also like to remind people that we will not put up with anti-social behaviour of any type in our borough because it can make the lives of people in neighbouring properties a misery.’’
Cllr Tim Jenkins, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Communities, and Health, said:
“I'm really proud of our team being recognised nationally, and this shows the team's dedication and determination to counteract anti-social behaviour in our borough and make it a more pleasant place to live for all of us."
The Council’s team supports and safeguards residents with their concerns and helps keep their communities safe.
They work in partnership with multiple agencies such as Warwickshire Police, Fire Services, P3, Together, CGL, and many more.
They also use legal and non-legal tools to prevent and resolve ASB, and these tools include Acceptable Behaviour Contracts, Community Protection Warnings/Notices, Warning Letters, Notices, and court proceedings for possession, injunctions, and closure orders.