Bedworth Almshouses

Local leaders welcome Government funding for Bedworth

Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council leader Cllr Kris Wilson and Bedworth MP Craig Tracey have welcomed a Budget boost for Bedworth in the Chancellor’s Speech last week (Wednesday 6 March).

Minister for Levelling Up, Jacob Young MP, has written to the local authority to confirm that Bedworth has been awarded additional funding of up to £20 million as part of the Government’s Levelling Up programme.

The Long-Term Plan for Towns was announced last year, with 55 towns named as receiving funding. Now Bedworth and 19 other towns have been added into what is now a £400 million plan, with the funding allocated over a 10 year period.

The Plan requires Bedworth MP Craig Tracey to sit on a Town Board for Bedworth, where initiatives can be discussed, with the spending formally managed by the Borough Council.

The letter from Mr Young adds:

“Each town will receive ‘endowment-style' funding and support worth up to £20 million, to give them the certainty to deliver projects over the 10-year lifespan of the programme and flexibility to invest in interventions based on local needs and priorities.”

Craig Tracey MP has put Bedworth’s case for support at Westminster. He said:

“I am delighted the Government has listened to our case for sustained investment in the town.

“Bedworth deserves a helping hand and this funding is going to go a long way to rejuvenate the area and help address issues that affect our communities.”

Councillor Wilson said: 

“This is excellent news for Bedworth. This funding will help the Borough Council develop further our plans for the town centre.

“We have already announced investment into the indoor market, and have started preparation work for the brand new physical activity hub to replace the Bedworth Leisure Centre.

“This excellent news means we can move forward in a way that will ensure this town gets the investment and support it needs at a vital time.

“Bedworth is set to benefit from its own transformation programme.

“The Borough Council has already set out its plan to improve both our town centres and we will continue to work with our partners to help make our Borough a great place to live, work and visit.”

Published: 12 March 2024