Artist impression of the revamped Bedworth Market
Artist impression of the revamped Bedworth Market

Councillors have agreed to give Bedworth's market a £700,000 makeover as part of the Building a Better Borough strategy.

Councillors have agreed to give Bedworth's market a £700,000 makeover as part of the Building a Better Borough strategy.

Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council is funding the project out of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) monies given by the government.

Building a Better Borough is the Council’s latest corporate plan and aims to be strategic, high-level and articulates the authority’s goals and priorities over the medium term.

Last year, the Council launched a feasibility review to decide the future of the indoor market and now the results of this have been revealed.

The preferred option which was approved by the ruling Cabinet is to make over the existing site and the provision of 20 fixed units compared to the existing 14.

Cllr Kris Wilson, Leader of Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, said:

“It is great news that Bedworth Market will finally get the tender loving care and attention it has needed for a long time.

“This is the single biggest project being funded by the UKSPF, and it gives us an opportunity to breathe new life into the market.

“I’m looking forward to getting the tenders back and seeing just what is possible in the market building.

“We have a brilliant opportunity to create a refreshed market that also has space to put on events in the town to draw in residents from Bedworth and beyond.”

Priorities for refurbishment will now be drawn up and consultation undertaken with traders to support a tender specification for works using a framework available for design and build.

Members of the Council's Cabinet approved the recommended option for the market at a meeting on Wednesday, 10 January.

Published: 12 January 2024