The Mayor, Cllr Martin Walsh and the team at the Mayor's Cafe

The Mayor’s Café in Bedworth has a new look thanks to two businesses with branches in the area joining forces with the Mayor.

A team from McDonald’s at Bermuda Park painted the Miners’ Welfare Park building after Wickes’ Weddington Road branch in Nuneaton provided the paint for the task.

And Nuneaton and Bedworth Mayor Cllr Martin Walsh was also on hand to help out with a paintbrush and roller.

Jon Swarbrick, Business Manager at McDonald’s, said:

“As a local restaurant, we are always looking out for ways we can help support the community.

“I had met with Martin a couple of times already, and we were looking for a project we could work on together.

“It seemed like fate when People in Action moved into Bermuda Park and became our new neighbours.

“We have worked with them in the past, and when the opportunity to help revamp The Mayor’s Café came up, it was too good to miss.

“We have to give a huge thank you to Wickes for supplying around £180 of materials and tools to allow us to complete the job.”

Cllr Martin Walsh, Mayor of Nuneaton and Bedworth, said:

“Because the Mayor's Cafe is such an attribute to the Miners’ Welfare Park and its visitors, I welcomed the opportunity to work with Jon and the team from McDonald's, Bermuda Park.

“By redecorating the Mayor's Cafe, it made it once again a bright and welcoming venue, not only for Richard and his team from People in Action, but for all to enjoy for many more years to come."

The Mayor’s Café was opened in 2014 following a successful civic appeal by then Mayor Cllr Bob Copland and is run by People in Action.


Published: 13 May 2024