Local Validation Checklist

On 11 July 2024 the Council adopted a brand new Local Validation Checklist. The Planning Team will use this to make sure that new planning applications, before they are made valid, have all the necessary and appropriate supporting information. This is so that all applications have the required information to enable the Planning Team to assess and evaluate applications thoroughly and efficiently.

The validation matrix should be used in conjunction with the full local validation checklist.

While some requirements are mandated nationally, local authorities can also have their own list of necessary information to ensure effective and efficient decision-making, so the Council has created a planning validation checklist in line with paragraph 44 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Planning Practice Guidance.

  • Although the checklist has been adopted, we will not require all new applications to comply with it until 1 September 2024. As of this date, all new submissions must meet the checklist's requirements.

The adoption statement for the Local Validation Checklist is available on our website.