Prior approval for larger home extensions

If you live in a property and want to construct an extension, and the following comply:

  • Terraced or semi-detached, a single-storey rear extension that extends between three and six metres from the rear wall of the original house
  • Detached house, between four and eight metres from the rear wall of the original house, does not exceed four metres in height, is not in a conservation area and would otherwise comply with the existing provisions of current householder permitted development rights

If your extension falls within this criteria you must notify us at that you are intending to build this extension and include the following information:

  • The dimensions of the extension - length from the original rear wall; the maximum height; and the height of the eaves
  • A plan showing the site and the proposed extension
  • Addresses of adjoining premises
  • The developer's/applicant's contact address
  • The developer's/applicant's email address

Alternatively, complete and return prior approval - larger home extension form.

Current fees

  • The fee for this process is £96

Prior approval process

  • We will then notify adjoining properties that you want to extend your property
  • They will be given 21 days to respond
  • If no objections are received at the end of the 21 day period, prior approval will not be required and you can then start your extension

If an objection is received, then the Council will consider what impact the extension would have on adjoining properties.

  • If it is concluded that the extension would have an unacceptable impact on the adjoining properties then Prior Approval will be refused
  • If the impact is considered to be acceptable then Prior Approval will be granted

When can you start your work

  • Your extension cannot start until we have notified you that the prior approval has been given
  • You will be notified within 42 days from the date you submitted your application

What happens if prior approval is refused

  • If prior approval is refused, you have a right of appeal to the Planning Inspectorate