Planning decisions
Any advice given by Council officers for pre-application enquiries does not indicate any formal decision by the Council as Local Planning Authority. Any views or opinions are given without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application.
The final decision on any application that you may then make can only be taken after the Council has consulted local people, statutory consultees and any other interested parties.
The final decision on an application will then be made by the Planning Applications Committee or by the Head of Development Control under delegated powers in accordance with the Council's approved Scheme of Delegation, and will be based on all of the information available at that time.
You should therefore be aware that officers cannot guarantee the final formal decision that will be made on your application.
Any pre-application advice that has been provided will be carefully considered in reaching a decision or recommendation on an application; subject to the proviso that circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter that position.
It should also be noted that the weight given to pre application advice may decline over time, subject to changing material circumstances.