A guide to HMO

Not everybody can live in a property with exclusive use of space and amenities. Some people live in what are known as houses in multiple occupation (HMO).

The legal definition of an HMO can get quite complex, but effectively it is where three or more people who are not living as one household share amenities or space such as a kitchen, bathroom, toilet and sometimes a living room.

HMOs form a vital part of the housing market, catering often for people with mobile lifestyles and those on a budget. Some HMOs are specifically designed and built for that purpose, others are converted from larger properties or sometimes from regular housing stock. Living in an HMO can provide different risks, for example from fire, overcrowding, poor repair or mismanagement.

HMO standards

Specific laws and standards apply to HMOs and the Council are the main regulating body, sometimes with the local Fire Service, the Health and Safety Executive, and Trading Standards. 

Fire safety standards

There is published guidance on Fire Alarm and Fire Door Specifications for HMOs, which can be found in the Guide to Fire and Security Protection in Multi-occupied Residential Properties and LACORS Housing-Fire Safety Guidance Document.

HMO Policy

This policy sets out the framework for the licensing of HMOs in Nuneaton and Bedworth and ensures the Council takes an open, fair and consistent approach in relation to licensing and enforcement.


If you want to start using a property as a HMO or convert one to that use, check first with the local Planning department and Building Control if appropriate. Make sure your mortgage and insurance companies are aware, they may need to give permission.

Legislation and enforcement

Like all other domestic property  rented or not, shared or otherwise, homes need to be safe to live in and affordable to heat. The Housing Health and Safety Rating System applies to almost all accommodation with a very few exceptions, even owner occupied homes. If you are a landlord or tenant with concerns or questions, you can ask the Council's private sector housing team for advice, and they have powers to intervene in dangerous situations. The Council also has a landlord forum which is free to join and attend. We may also get involved in cases of alleged harassment and illegal eviction.

Do not forget, if you live in a rented property with gas appliances, they must have an annual inspection and certification by a qualified professional, your tenant's deposit should be in an approved tenancy deposit scheme, and you should issue new tenants with the official How To Rent checklist and Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

Also smoke alarms are mandatory for each occupied floor of rented homes, with carbon monoxide detectors in rooms with solid fuel appliances. You must provide, test, and demonstrate to tenants, recording that you have done so, and arrange the next annual check or on change of tenancy. You may also carry out pre-renting immigration status checks as advised under the right to rent system to avoid a fixed penalty for renting to illegal immigrants.

Refer to the Council's Enforcement Policy which now also includes an Addendum Enforcement Policy.