Purchase order exemption list
Any invoice received, unless in scope of the exemptions list, without an official and valid purchase order number may be rejected by the Council, and returned unpaid to the supplier.
The following is a list of goods, services and/or works which may be exempt from the requirement to have a purchase order raised against them:
- Utilities (gas, electricity and water)
- Fuel card’s (where set up under a Direct Debit having been procured via the procurement team)
- Payments to staff (for example, reimbursements and mileage claims)
- Grant payments to individuals
- Purchase or property and associated fees
- Exams and courses booked online unless the account is setup on the e-purchasing system
- Employee Trade Union and Charity contributions
- Professional memberships unless the account is setup on the e-purchasing system
- Council Tax, NNDR, Business Rates
- Bank charges
- Housing rent (including refunds)
- Property leases
- External examiner fees
- Postal services
- VAT only invoices
- Homelessness accommodation
- Spend via a corporate credit card for specific expenditure of a one-off nature, emergency spend, or where there is no alternative method of payment