Spend and purchase orders
As part of the council's commitment to demonstrating value for money and local government transparency, we publish details of all our spending over £500, purchase orders raised over £5,000 and all credit card transactions.
Spend over £500
The information shows any payment made to a supplier which was greater than £500 and represents individual net payments, the name of the supplier, the nature of the expense and the amount paid. Payments are listed quarterly.
Purchase orders over £5,000
The information shows any order raised to a supplier which was greater than £5,000. This report does not relate to payments, it represents the Council's commitment to spend money. Orders are listed quarterly.
Credit card transactions
The information shows all payments made via a credit card. Transactions are listed quarterly.
If you require information relating to previous financial years please email creditors@nuneatonandbedworth.gov.uk and we will be happy to supply you with this data.