Voter ID FAQs

View information on the government's Voter Identification policy.

What if a voter is transgender or non-binary and has not got ID with the correct name or photo

You can apply for a free voter ID document, known as a Voter Authority Certificate. For this document, you must provide an up-to-date photograph.

Your name on the electoral register can be updated by providing evidence of a name change - such as a deed poll. Contact the elections team at

My photo ID is in an old name

Your ID in your former name is still acceptable (as long as it still looks like you). Staff at the polling station may ask you additional questions in order to verify your identity - called the prescribed questions.

If you've changed name recently, you should update your name on the electoral register by emailing us evidence of your name change.

I am registered to vote anonymously - how does voter ID work for me

If you're registered to vote anonymously and want to vote in person, you'll need to apply for an Anonymous Electors Document.

Find out more registering and voting anonymously at elections

What if I am unable to get online or need support with an application

If you're unable to get online and want to request a paper application form, contact the elections team at

I am a postal voter - do I need ID now

No - postal voters won't need to show or provide ID at these elections.

I have lost my photo ID and the deadline to apply for a voter ID has now passed

If you have lost your ID and it is less than six working days before the election, you can apply for an emergency proxy vote. In order to do this, contact the elections team and we will discuss this option with you and get the correct forms to you.

I have applied for a Voter Authority Certificate and it has not arrived

Contact the elections team and we will discuss what we can do to assist you. You may be eligible for an emergency proxy vote.

When will my voter ID expire

The free voter ID (also known as a voter authority certificate) does not have an expiry date - but we expect them to last roughly 10 years, as you will need to continue to look like the photograph.

Do I need to re-apply if I change address

You do not need to reapply for a voter ID if you change address - you can still use the ID you have. You will just need to register to vote if you have changed address.