Voting by post

The way you apply for a postal vote has changed.

Apply for a postal vote

  • The deadline to apply for a postal vote for the General Election taking is 5:00pm on Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Identity checking

Proxy applications must include your:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • National insurance number (NINO) - or a suitable reason why you cannot provide it

This personal information contained is then checked against the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) records.

If you fail the DWP check, or if you are unable to provide a NINO, we will contact you to provide documentary evidence to confirm your identity.

How long can I have my postal vote for

  • Your postal vote will last for up to three years

You must reapply after three years, and we will contact you when the time comes to reapply.

Reapply for a postal vote

If you had an existing postal vote in place before 31 October 2023, you do not need to reapply until January 2026.