Electoral Register update

By law, the Electoral Registration Officer is required to undertake an annual canvass of all households in the borough every year, to check that the information on the electoral register is accurate and up-to date-as possible. If requested, it is a legal requirement for residents to confirm details relating to their property.

For the annual canvass in 2024, canvass communications will be sent out in Nuneaton and Bedworth between August and November 2024. The information received is used to update the Register of Electors which will be published on 1 December 2024.

Details of how the annual canvass will be carried and how to respond are as follows.

Step 1 – Data matching

The electoral register is sent securely to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to be matched with their records. The results of the data matching will determine how you are contacted.

  • Route 1 - if all the people registered to vote at the property can be matched
  • Route 2 - if there are people at the property that cannot be matched

Step 2 - Communications and updating the register

Route 1 - Data matched and email address

If we hold an email address for an individual in the household we will send an email to confirm that the details we hold for the property are correct. The email will be sent from canvass.nbbc@notifications.service.gov.uk.

If you receive an email, complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the Household Response website.
  2. Log in using the security codes provided.
  3. Confirm that the details we hold for the occupants of the property are correct, or make any changes required.

Route 1 - Data matched, but no email address

If we do not hold an email address for you we will also send an A4 (Canvass Communication A) to your household to ensure we get a response. If the information on this form is correct then you do not need to respond to this letter.

If you need to make any changes, please complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the Household Response website.
  2. Log in using the security codes provided.
  3. Confirm that the details we hold for the occupants of the property are correct, or make any changes required.

Route 2 - Partial or no match

We will send a form (Canvass Communication B or Canvass form) to the property which will either be:

  • blank if nobody is registered at the property
  • contain details of anyone we have listed as registered at the property

If there are no changes to make you may also respond by phone.

  • Even if there are no changes you must respond to this form if you receive one.

To respond, complete the following steps:

  1. Visit the Household Response website.
  2. Log in using the security codes provided.
  3. Confirm that the details we hold for the occupants of the property are correct, or make any changes required.

If we do not receive a response from the form. we will make further attempts to get a response from you. This may include sending reminder forms or a canvasser visiting your property.

Registering to vote

By responding to the above enquiries, new electors are not automatically registered to vote, and this is a separate process.

If you add anyone new to your Household Enquiry Form, we will send out a separate registration application to complete. Alternatively, you can register to vote online.