How the Council tackles ASB
How will the Council tackle ASB
The Landlord Services team at Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council is committed to reducing ASB in our communities by following a robust investigation process.
You can view our ASB Strategy 2025-2028, ASB Policy 2024 - 2027 and our ASB Service Standards.
Anti-Social Behaviour Officers will investigate all reports of ASB they receive regarding tenants, their household, and/or visitors to Council owned properties.
The aim is to try and stop ASB. However, for the most serious, prolific, or reoccurring perpetrators of ASB, Anti-Social Behaviour Officers are trained in taking enforcement action. This can include pursuing Possession Proceedings (Eviction), or other forms of ASB sanctions.
Anti-Social Behaviour Officers will also proactively work with out ASB Communities Officer to deal with issues that are impacting the wider community.
For example, there is intelligence to suggest County Lines activity is significantly increasing across the Borough. Anti-Social Behaviour Officers, the ASB Communities Officer and the Police are working together to try and stop the supply of illegal drugs into our community.
Partnership working is key in tackling ASB in our Communities. The Council also jointly works with the Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) at Warwickshire Police to identify, tackle and prevent ASB.