Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions 

I’m struggling to pay my rent – what do I do? 

If you are over 18 and of working age, you may be eligible for help towards your rent through Universal Credit (this is known as the Housing Element). Please contact 0800 328 5644 for further information 

If you are receiving a pension, you may be eligible for help towards your rent through Housing Benefit. Please contact 024 7637 6514 for further information. 

I cannot pay my rent in advance - what help is there?

Before you sign the tenancy agreement, you may be eligible for a rent in advance grant. Please visit Apply for rent in advance payment | Discretionary housing payments | Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council

Alternatively, please contact the Customer Accounts Team on 024 7637 6323 urgently to discuss a reasonable payment arrangement. A payment plan can be agreed to bring your rent account to being in advance.  

I am on Universal Credit - how does it work? 

If you are currently receiving Universal Credit, you may also be entitled to help towards your rent (known as Housing Element) which would be included in your monthly Universal Credit payment. 

You can submit details of your rent via your Journal, which the Council will then verify, for Universal Credit to assess if you are entitled to Housing Element towards your rent. 

Please note by default, Universal Credit will pay Housing Element to you direct, unless specifically requested by you or the Council, to pay the Council direct (known as Managed Payments to Landlord) 

IMPORTANT – Universal Credit pay Housing Element MONTHLY and IN ARREARS 

It is very important you check your Journal to see if the Housing Element has been paid to you or the Council, and if there are any shortfalls in the Housing Element.  

Example: Your rent charge is £85.63 per week, or £371.06 per calendar month 

Your Journal shows that for the previous month, you are entitled to £325.32 Housing Element, and this is paid to you direct 

You therefore need to pay £325.32 Housing Element to the Council, AND the difference between this and your normal monthly rent £45.74. 

What do I do if I have rent arrears/receive an arrears letter? 

You must either: 

  1. Pay the amount quoted in the letter that you are in arrears by 


  1. Contact the Customer Accounts Team on 024 7637 6323 urgently to discuss your options. 

I have other debts – what do I do? 

It is important that you seek independent debt advice if you have debts. 

Citizen’s Advice Bureau (BRANCAB) 

Telephone: 0808 2505715 


Website: /      

Drop-in Sessions: Nuneaton Town Hall Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 10.00am – 2.00 pm 

Bedworth Citizens Advice Mondays, Fridays 10.00am – 2.00pm 

National Debt Line - 0808 808 4000 

What happens if I don’t pay my rent? 

Ultimately, you risk losing your home. 

The Council must follow guidelines before taking court action – this is known as the Pre-action Protocol 

My Rent Account is in credit – can I have a refund? 

The terms of your tenancy agreement are that rent is paid in advance, therefore you must always hold at least one month’s credit. If you credit is higher than this, you can request a refund. Please contact Housing Support Rents on 024 7637 6427 or 024 7637 6501 

If you have any queries or concerns about your rent account, please contact the Customer Accounts Team immeadiately on 024 7637 6323