What happens if I don't pay my council tax
If you miss a council tax instalment you will get a reminder notice giving you seven days to bring your payments up to date.
If you do not do so within the time, or if after a second reminder you fall behind with your payments again, you will have to pay the outstanding balance of your council tax bill (that is the the full amount owing for the rest of the year).
If the full balance is not paid, the Council will take further recovery action by applying to the local Magistrates' Court for a liability order. You will be sent a summons - which adds a further £100 costs onto your account - advising you of the court date at which the Magistrates will consider the application for the amount the Council is seeking to recover.
The Council will ask for a liability order for the outstanding amount of council tax plus the cost to the Council of making the application.
The Council will try to come to a reasonable arrangement with you for payment but we cannot do that unless you contact us. (If you make an arrangement and keep to it, you will avoid any further recovery costs). You may be asked to complete a financial statement (giving details of your income and expenditure) before an arrangement can be made.