Government Context

All documents published emphasise the need for victims to be at the heart of the response to ASB. Victims should be able to report incidents easily and expect to be taken seriously. 

The Government published documentation relating to ASB including:

Social Housing White Paper

The Social Housing White Paper was published in 2020 and includes seven standards that every social tenant in England is entitled to expect from their landlords.

In respect of the ASB Strategy, our primary focus is Chapter 6 of the Social Housing White Paper, which states “To have a good quality home and neighbourhood to live in”.

Chapter 6 of the Social Housing White Paper sets out clear expectations for all social housing landlords to support tenants facing ASB and crime by:

  • Taking all reasonable steps to ensure residents feel safe in their homes and communities are secure
  • Making it clear to residents who and how to report ASB
  • Take concerns seriously
  • Focus on the impact of ASB on victims and their support needs

ASB Action Plan

The Action Plan has three main focus areas:

  1. To ensure anti-social behaviour is treated with the urgency it deserves.
  2. To change laws and systems to take a zero-tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour.
  3. To give the police and other agencies the tools they need to discourage anti-social behaviour.

Revised guidance was also issued for conducting an Anti-social behaviour case review (formerly known as the Community Trigger). The case review gives victims of persistent ASB the right to request a review of their case where the locally defined threshold is met.

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioners Police and Crime Plan 2021 – 2025

The Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 introduced significant changes in police governance and accountability. Police Authorities have now been replaced by directly elected Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC). PCCs are required to produce a Police and Crime Plan which sets out how they intend to work with the police and other statutory and voluntary agencies to deliver their priorities. The current objectives which link to ASB are:

  • fight crime and reduce re-offending
  • keep people safe and reduce harm
  • strengthen communities
  • deliver better justice for all