Our Corporate Focus

The Council’s Corporate Plan, Building a Better Borough, sets out three overarching corporate objectives and the ASB Strategy is linked to the following corporate objectives:

  1. Promote residents’ health and wellbeing.
  2. Enable appropriate housing development.
  3. Prioritise community safety and empowerment.


The Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Communities Partnership (NABSCOP) works closely with partner agencies to reduce crime and the fear of crime in the borough. Developed with partner agencies, NABSCOP publish a list of priorities for Nuneaton and Bedworth to focus on to tackle ASB.

What have we done in 2019 - 2022

NBBC have worked hard to enhance our management of ASB to our tenants, leaseholders and residents within the private sector, giving us a strong base with which to develop and launch this strategy. Some of our highlights include:

  • The Landlord Services team restructured to ensure that ASB is given the time and professionalism it deserves. NBBC have a dedicated team of Anti-Social Behaviour Officers covering the borough
  • An objective outlined to gain accreditation in ASB that once achieved, will remain in place for three years. We will receive certification and can display the RESOLVE Standard Logo. We will also be listed on the RESOLVE Website as Standard bearers and featured in their best practice gallery
  • Recruited Engagement Officers to empower our residents to engage with us
  • Reporting on our performance monthly and use the statistical data derived to ensure that resources are deployed effectively
  • Neighbourhood Walkabouts and Community Events
  • Targeted ASB surveys
  • Partnership working with Warwickshire Police and Warwickshire Fire Service to strengthen relationships, deliver joint drop-in surgeries, ad hoc walkabouts, and safe and well talks / checks
  • Various tenant and leaseholder projects, such as creating allotment spaces, and garden projects
  • Installation of new CCTV within ASB hot spots across our neighbourhood
  • Upgraded 20 NOMAD cameras that have been deployed to ASB hot spots across the borough.
  • Implementation of “the Noise App”. An electronic way of recording and reporting a noise nuisance. Currently, any resident living within a property owned and managed by the NBBC can access the app to record a noise nuisance and submit the recordings for review by an ASB officer.
  • Promoted and publicised successful ASB case management outcomes
  • Sought Local Lettings Plans and Sensitive Lets to provide respite to the community from perpetrators of serious ASB
  • Issue of a Begging Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) effective from 21 March 2022
  • Issue of an Alcohol Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) effective from 11 October 2022
  • Issue of a Psycho Active Substance Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) effective from 11 October 2022

Along with the above highlights, NBBC also achieved the following results:






Early Interventions*





Possession Notices





Possession Orders






No data available

No data available

No data available


Injunction Orders





Closure and Partial Closure Orders





*Early interventions include Formal and Final Warnings, Acceptable Behaviour Contracts (ABC) and Community Protection Notice Warnings (CPW).

**Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there were national restrictions on submitting application for possession to the County Courts. This also meant there was a stay from carrying out evictions.

Commitments for 2023 - 2025

Our ASB Strategy commitments for 2023 – 2025 are:

  1. For residents to feel safe, empowered, and confident to easily report ASB.
  2. To develop and undertake a series of projects and initiatives across the borough with an outcome of designing out ASB in our communities.
  3. To enhance and upskill our ASB Officers to manage reports of ASB proactively and effectively.
  4. To provide support to victims of ASB to reduce the possibility of the impact it could have to their health and wellbeing; to provide support to perpetrators of ASB with the aim of preventing ASB from reoccurring.