What we have done in 2023/24

We have worked hard to enhance our engagement offer to our tenants and leaseholders in the last year, giving us a strong base with which to develop and launch this strategy. Some of our highlights are listed below:

Tenant Engagement

  • Carried out a programme of Neighbourhood Walkabouts, which include the reporting of repairs, grounds maintenance and any other neighbourhood issues found.
  • Arranged meetings so that tenants and leaseholders can discuss issues within their blocks of flats / streets.
  • Introduced quarterly mobile home site meetings with leaseholders so that any issues within their sites can be discussed and resolved.
  • Undertook a damp and mould tenant and leaseholder focus group, to improve the way in which we communicate about this issue
  • Introduced our Housing Facebook page so that we can communicate with tenants and leaseholders and provide information on campaigns such as Damp & Mould, Insurance and Homeswapper mutual exchange service and other relevant information.
  • Set up tenant and leaseholder competitions, such as garden competitions and STAN the van design, to allow our tenants and leaseholders many different ways to become involved in our services and in neighbourhoods.
  • Partnership working with Warwickshire Police and Warwickshire Fire Service to deliver joint drop-in surgeries, ad hoc walkabouts, and safe & well talks / checks, to provide support and to give tenants and leaseholders more opportunities to discuss the issues that matter to them .
  • Introduced warm hubs / coffee morning drop in’s to provide a safe environment for tenants and leaseholders to discuss concerns and allow housing teams to offer support and advice where possible.
  • Promoted the reporting of damp and mould, including designing informative posters alongside a damp and mould video, to ensure tenants and leaseholders are able to report issues and have them resolved as soon as possible, making sure that homes are as safe and healthy as possible.
  • Set up a Christmas campaign in order to visit vulnerable and isolated tenants during the festive period, to combat loneliness and improve health and wellbeing.

Community Engagement

  • Held tenant engagement events on market stalls, with three held in Bedworth and three in Nuneaton.
  • Supported tenants in setting up a Neighbourhood Watch Group, to empower tenants and leaseholders in their own community.
  • Undertook litter picks throughout neighbourhoods to improve the environment.
  • Worked with Warwickshire County Council to erect a new bus shelter/stop outside one of our Independent Living Schemes to improve transport connections and help residents remain independent for longer.
  • Undertook numerous community projects, such as creating allotments and a storage area for tools, garden projects and a phone box conversion to house a defibrillator, support residents health and wellbeing.

In addition to this programme of work, we also carried out our first Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey. The survey was sent to 5557 tenants and leaseholders, and 1507 responded. Our scores against each of the measures were:


Overall satisfaction



Satisfaction with the repairs service



Satisfaction with time taken to complete the most recent repair



Satisfaction that the home is well maintained



Satisfaction that the home is safe



Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenants’ views and acts on them



Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them



Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect



Satisfaction with the landlords approach to handling complaints



Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained



Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods



Satisfaction with the landlords approach to handling anti-social behaviour


We also included a supplementary question for TP07, which asked respondents about their preferred method of contact. 52% of our tenants advised us that you prefer for us to communicate with you in writing.  These results will help us to improve our communications to those tenants who took part in the survey.

While we are pleased with the results, particularly around overall satisfaction, and satisfaction with our repairs service, we know that have further work to do to improve satisfaction, and particularly in the following areas:

  • Landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect
  • Landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods
  • Landlords approach to handling anti-social behaviour

Our TSM survey gives us the opportunity to hear from all of our tenants to understand what matters to them, and how they think we are performing. We will use our TSMs to help inform our approach to tenant and leaseholder engagement going forward and will use the feedback to help prioritise areas for improvement. We submitted our results, including the management information, to the Regulator for Social Housing in June 2024.