Priority 4: Amplifying tenant and leaseholder voice

The structures and actions in the previous priorities look to strengthen the tenant and leaseholder voice through more formal engagement structures. Over the life of this strategy, we will look to amplify that feedback through by cross-referencing various touchpoints, and making it easier for our tenants and leaseholders to tell us what they think.

Where do we want to be there?

We want to be able to hear the voice of our tenants and leaseholders both through formal structures, as well as through our other interactions. Information that is provided through calls into our contact centre, through our complaints process, and through conversations with our repairs operatives or tenancy management officers all represent opportunities for us to amplify their voices. By cross-referencing all of these touchpoints, we can add this information in to other feedback that we receive (such as from our Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey) to give us significant insight into the things that matter to our tenants and leaseholders.

We want to make it easier for our tenants and leaseholders to give us feedback. We will look at our communication channels and review accessibility to our services to ensure that it is easier to communicate with us when tenants and leaseholders want to, and need to.

How will we get there?

We will review our systems and technology (including our data) to explore the potential to enhance the voices of our tenants and leaseholders, whilst also cross-referencing information from various sources.

We will also implement a new communication strategy, to ensure that we are offering the right options to our tenants and leaseholders to give their feedback. We want to offer the easiest access to us and our services, whilst making sure that the options match the communication preferences of our tenants and leaseholders.

How will we know when we have got there?

We have set the following targets and deliverables which will help us to assess when we have successfully delivered on this strategic objective:

  • We will have appropriate systems and processes in place to allow the cross-referencing of customer contact and feedback.
  • We will have developed a new communications strategy in partnership with our tenants and leaseholders which will improve access to our staff and services.
  • We will review how we capture and categorise customer contact data to enable us to quickly and accurately diagnose themes and trends.
  • We will develop a new data strategy in partnership with our tenants and leaseholders, to make sure that we gather, maintain and analyse the right information to best inform future decisions and options.