Priority 2: Enhancing accountability

The Tenant Satisfaction Measures are a significant move towards enhanced accountability to our tenants and leaseholders, but we want to go further over the life of this strategy.  It is our aim to first become accountable to our tenants and leaseholders, and to then move towards a model of shared accountability by the end of this strategy.  Accountability is a key priority for us. We exist to provide excellent services to our tenants and leaseholders.

Where do we want to be?

We want to enable our tenants and leaseholders to hold us to account in a constructive and collaborative way. By bringing our tenants and leaseholders more closely together into our key oversight and decision-making structures, we will enable them to influence how our services are shaped and delivered. This will also help them to understand the operating environment, what is possible and, where we are unable to do certain things, why we are unable to.

How will we get there?

Building on the deliverables from our first strategic priority, we will look to develop more formal engagement groups, with tenants and leaseholders who share common interests and aims. For more ad-hoc consultation, we will develop ‘thematic’ engagement groups, on topics such as Anti-social Behaviour (ASB), Repairs, or Estate Services for example.

Our formal engagement structure should explore the formation of the following groups, and where these groups are developed, it should be in the best interests of the tenants and leaseholders themselves, and Nuneaton and Bedworth:

  • Tenant and Leaseholder Scrutiny Panels
  • Mystery shoppers
  • Tenant and Leaseholder Neighbourhood Champions
  • Thematic focus groups (to consult on ad-hoc issues, such as policy reviews, in a specific service area).
  • Complaint reviewers
  • Independent Living Forum

Each group will have their own ‘Terms of Reference’ which will clearly set out roles and responsibilities.

We will also look to build in sector best practice to our approach, exploring the potential for accreditation from the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS), and signing up to the National Housing Federation (NHF) Together with Tenants initiative to demonstrate our commitment and standards at Nuneaton and Bedworth.

How will we know when we have got there?

We have set the following targets and deliverables which will help us to assess when we have successfully delivered on this strategic objective:

  1. The establishment of formal, engaged tenant and leaseholder groups.
  2. The achievement of TPAS accreditation.
  3. Certification of commitment to the NHF Together with Tenants Initiative.

We will use the following metrics to report on the achievement of this strategic objective:


Performance 2023/24

2029 target

Achievement of TPAS accreditation


Full accreditation

Sign up to the NHF Together with Tenants initiative


Certificate of commitment

Number of tenant and leaseholder groups established


10 (including neighbourhood based associations)