Priority 5: Transparency and communication

As we build towards greater engagement with our tenants and leaseholders, we want to be more transparent, providing more timely and relevant communication about how we are performing and what we are doing. This dialogue will not only help to strengthen our relationships with our tenants and leaseholders, but will also help to set and manage expectations.

Where do we want to be?

We want to be providing timely, relevant information to all of our tenants and leaseholders, in an accessible format, taking into account the diversity of all.

This communication will make sure our tenants and leaseholders are informed about the things that matter to them, and are aware of ways that they can engage with us and be more involved.

How will we get there?

We will design a new communications strategy, in partnership with our tenants and leaseholders, that ensures our communication methods and content are as impactful and accessible as possible. We will review how we communicate across the following:

  • Social media.
  • Tenant and leaseholder magazines.
  • E-bulletins.
  • Information held on our website.
  • Mailouts.
  • Text messages/WhatsApp chats.
  • Telephone calls.

How will we know when we have got there?

The following indicators will tell us when we have achieved against our ambitions:

  • We have developed a new communications strategy for tenants and leaseholders to ensure all information meets the requirements of tenants and leaseholders.
  • Communications are shared with our tenants and leaseholders using their preferred communication method, to make sure those communications are better reflect the requirements and needs of our customers.
  • We will have developed smart survey programmes to test the impact of our communications to tenants and leaseholders, to make sure that know our communications strategy is doing what it needs to do.

We will use the following metrics to report on the achievement of this strategic objective:


Performance 2023/24

2029 target

TP07: Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them



% of tenants and leaseholders interacting with communications



% of tenants and leaseholders happy with communications

