Priority 1: Empowering Engagement

One of our key priorities is to empower our tenants and leaseholders to engage with us. This follows the direction of the new regulatory framework and will give us, our tenants, and leaseholders the best chance to comment upon and influence on the services delivered, now and into the future.

Where do we want to be?

We want to break down barriers to engagement through building relationships and expanding the knowledge of our tenants and leaseholders, about our services, processes and legal requirements. We will do this by setting up a number of specialist tenant and leaseholder groups, both in person and virtually, to ensure that we can facilitate as much engagement as possible.

Achievement against this priority will be the main building block to achieving our goal of having as many tenants and leaseholders as possible, involved in shaping as many areas of our services as possible, in ways that are right for them.  We recognise that a ‘one size fits all’ approach will not achieve this.   

How will we get there?

  • We will do more to understand barriers to engagement and break them down to ensure that all tenants and leaseholders can engage with us on issues that matter to them, in ways that are right for them.
  • We will make better use of the data that we hold and look to gather more information to understand the profiles of tenants and leaseholders who are engaged with us, and those that are not.
  • We will develop a communications plan for tenant and leaseholder communications, making sure that our customers are well informed with timely and relevant information about our housing services.
  • We will review our tenant and leaseholder communication preferences to ensure our methods of engagement are appropriate. We will develop opportunities to engage with us in person, over the telephone, online and via post where these are most appropriate. We will also review ‘when’ we engage to make sure that access is fair and equitable.

How will we know when we have there?

We will have successfully increased the number of our tenants and leaseholders who have engaged with us. We will be able to define how this engagement has impacted how we deliver our services, and our tenants and leaseholders will feel confident about their participation and input.

We have set the following targets and deliverables which will help us to assess when we have successfully delivered on this strategic objective:

  • Development of a strategic communications plan.
  • Design and rollout of a project to improve the customer data that we hold on our systems (including communication preference data).

We will use the following metrics to report on the achievement of this strategic objective:


Performance 2023/24

2029 target

Total number of tenants engaged to influence services (per year)


1375 (equates to 25% based upon numbers as at March 2024

Total percentage of leaseholders engaged to influence services (per year)


43 (equates to 10% based upon numbers as at March 2024)

% of communication preference data held on our systems



Total number of engagement opportunities facilitated per year to influence services