Priority 3: Shared design

We believe that, where possible, our services should be co-designed with our tenants and leaseholders. This helps to ensure that their voice runs through our service design and delivery, and that our objectives are aligned with that of our tenants and leaseholders. Shared design should run through everything that we do, and by developing and engaging the groups from priority 2, we will ensure that we can engage at both an operational and strategic level with our tenants and leaseholders.

Where do we want to be?

We want our tenants and leaseholders to know that the services they receive from us have been developed in partnership with them. We want to be able to evidence true shared design with our involved tenants and leaseholders, inviting views and perspectives from as many  as possible.

Where we take suggestions on board, we will feed this back to our tenants and leaseholders, and where we cannot take suggestions forward, we will explain why.

How will we get there?

We will consult with our involved tenants and leaseholders, and open up engagement opportunities to all who wish to be involved, to help us design the following:

  • Policies
  • Procedures
  • Strategies
  • Communications

We will also look to bring the voice of our tenants and leaseholders into higher level conversations, for example, where we are setting our new performance targets each year and where we may be looking to procure contracts for services that they will be in receipt of. Added to this, where we are making senior level appointments, we will look to bring some of our tenants and leaseholders into the recruitment process.

How will we know when we have got there?

We have set the following targets and deliverables which will help us to assess when we have successfully delivered on this strategic objective:

  • All new and reviewed strategies, policies and procedures will have been consulted on with our tenants and leaseholders.
  • We will have reviewed our communications to tenants and leaseholders in collaboration with them including reviewing the tone, language and form of our external communications.
  • Our tenants and leaseholders will be involved in our senior level recruitment processes.
  • Our tenants and leaseholders will be involved in the procurement of any external services that they will be in receipt of.

We will use the following metrics to report on the achievement of this strategic objective:


Performance 2023/24

2029 target

Percentage of policies consulted upon with tenants and leaseholders (per year)



Percentage of strategies consulted upon with tenants and leaseholders (per year)



Number of tenants and leaseholders involved in senior level recruitment processes