Partnership Working

We recognise that dealing with ASB is not the sole responsibility of one agency. Multi-agency working is an important tool in taking a holistic approach to tackling ASB in our communities. Where possible, we will work with other agencies to combine resources, and take a partnership approach to find a suitable resolution to ASB issues.

The Powers under Section 115 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, and the under Schedule Prevention of Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour, we will ensure that we have signed information sharing protocols so that information about perpetrators may be shared with other agencies for the purpose of preventing ASB or crime.

We will regularly review (with partner agencies where relevant) the areas where ASB is reported, in order to identify any trends or ‘hot spots’. Action plans may then be agreed and will outline what measures will be put in place to tackle the problems.

Examples of our partner agencies include, but are not limited to:

  • Warwickshire Police
  • Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service
  • Warwickshire County Council and other relevant Local Authorities departments (including Environmental Health, Children and Adult Services, Housing and Education)
  • Probation Service
  • Youth Justice
  • Refuge and other domestic abuse support services
  • Substance misuse support services
  • Warwickshire Modern Day Slavery Network

We work in conjunction with the Safer Communities Partnership, the Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Communities Partnership (NABSCOP). There is a dedicated case management meeting once a month to consider ASB interventions and support to vulnerable victims and further scheduled task meetings. NABSCOP have a Crime and Disorder Plan which will be used by those agencies within the partnership to commit resources to best ensure the partnership meet their objectives of reducing crime and disorder and the fear of crime in the Borough.