The purpose of this policy will set out our approach to:
- Define ASB so staff and residents have an understanding of ASB and its impact.
- Ensuring all residents can report ASB easily and manage resident expectations and responsibilities.
- Ensure that Housing and Communities adopt a consistent, proportionate, and transparent approach in the way it deals with hate incidents, domestic abuse and other ASB within the borough.
- To inform customers, staff and key partners of our approach to ASB. This will assist us to manage our housing stock and to ensure that our customers enjoy the right to use, enjoy and have security in their homes and in the communities in which they live.
- To raise awareness amongst residents, staff and other relevant stakeholders of the tools and powers available, to both staff and residents, to tackle ASB.
- Supporting complainants and vulnerable residents affected by ASB and those perpetrating ASB.
- How we will work with partner agencies to deter and tackle ASB in the borough.
- Ensure that Housing and Communities are accountable for our actions and performance when managing ASB.