The ASB Case Review

We are committed to work in partnership with other agencies where customers request the ASB Case Review (formally known as the “Community Trigger”) or the Community Remedy.

Victims of persistent ASB, who do not think they have had a satisfactory response to their reports of ASB, have the right to ask for a multi-agency review of their case. However, certain thresholds must be met for cases to qualify for ASB Case Reviews.

During an ASB case review, agencies will consider the action taken so far and will come together to try to find a solution. They may include all public sector organisations, e.g. us, the Police, NHS, and other registered providers of social housing.

The review body, usually us, must keep applicants informed of the progress of the case, including:

  • the decision on whether the threshold is met for the review to go proceed
  • the result of the review
  • any recommendations made as a result of the review.

What is the threshold for an ASB Case Review?

You can apply for an ASB case review, but we will decide whether the review will take place.

We will consider:

  • the number of incidents you have reported and the frequency of reports to agencies, such as us, the Police, other public authorities or the housing provider
  • the effectiveness of their responses
  • the potential harm of ASB to you and/or the victim.

A national threshold means a review is likely to go ahead if you have made three qualifying reports within 30 days of incidents, in a six-month period.

The ASB case review is not a complaints procedure. If you have a complaints about our handling of your ASB report, of if the response you have received from another service provider, you should follow their complaints procedure. If you are unhappy with the way we or your landlord has dealt with your complaint you can refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman Service.