Accountability and publishing
- We will publicise results of cases, whether there have been non-legal or legal resolutions involved. We will do this on our social media platforms, our newsletters, including our “In House” publication, Annual Reports and presentations at relevant meetings.
- We may also, where appropriate, publicise high profile cases in the local press.
- We will, always, ensure that anonymity of complainants is maintained in any public documents, but it is important that we publicise outcomes of successful cases to maintain community support for our work and to encourage resident’s support in enforcing court orders.
- Where court cases have concluded and a court order has been made, they are in most cases in the public domain and we reserve the right to publicise full details of the case, and this may include the names of evidenced perpetrators.
- The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) requires us to collect and provide information to support effective scrutiny by tenants of our performance in delivering services. The RSH also requires us to must meet their requirements in relation to the Tenant Satisfaction Measures set by the Regulator.
- Upon reporting on ASB statistics, our performance within our housing stock, managed by Tenancy Services, and our performance within the private and third sector, managed by Community Safety, are separated in line with the requirements set out by the RSH. Both Departments report separately on early interventions, enforcement tools used, supporting referrals made and the number of cases received on a monthly and annual basis. In addition to this, the Tenancy Services Team also report on ASB satisfaction measures.
- We will always listen and respond to any complaints you may have about our housing services, and complaints can be submitted via our online complaints handling form. Further information on making a complaint about our service can be viewed within our housing complaints policy.
- Tenants of any Registered Housing Provider can contact the Housing Ombudsman for any advice, support and guidance that you may require, in relation to the housing service you have received. The Housing Ombudsman Service is set up by law to look at complaints about the housing organisations that are registered with them. Their service is free, independent, and impartial. They can be emailed at or you can complete an online form.